Lasting Power of Attorney
I produce Lasting Power of Attorney documents for you.
I take away the stress, make it quick and easy.
Get peace of mind that you have the protection in place that you need from the comfort of your own home.
I will ensure your documents are signed and dated correctly for first time registration at The Office of Public Guardian.
Lasting Power of Attorney
On average 60% cheaper than your local Solicitor - For exactly the same documents
I produce Lasting Power of Attorney documents for you.
I take away the stress, make it quick and easy
Get peace of mind that you have the protection in place that you need from the comfort of your own home
I will ensure your documents are signed and dated correctly for first time registration at The Office of Public Guardian
What Are Lasting Power of Attorney?
Lasting Power of Attorney allow you to appoint people you trust to have the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf for your property, finances (personal & business), health and welfare, if you loose the ability to do so.
If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may have assumed that your spouse would automatically be able to deal with your bank account and pensions, and make decisions about your healthcare, if you lose the ability to do so. This is not the case. Without a Lasting Power of Attorney, they won’t have the authority.
If you have joint accounts and your partner lost capacity through an accident or illness and your bank became aware of the situation your accounts would be frozen and you would lose the ability to access to funds.
An accident or illness can strike anyone at any age. For this reason, an LPA document is important for everyone.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney
Property & Finance
Managing a bank or building society account
Paying bills
Collecting benefits or a pension
Selling your home
Investing money
A financial Lasting Powers of Attorney lets your chosen loved ones handle and make decisions about your money and property.
This can include paying your bills, selling your property, collecting your pension and collecting your benefits.
Health & Welfare
Medical Care
Moving into a Care Home
Life -sustaining treatment
Your daily routine
What kind of social activities you take part in
A health and welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney lets your chosen loved ones make decisions about your medical treatment and day-to-day care.
This can include where you live, what you eat, what medical treatment you receive and who you see.
Book a FREE 15 minute call for more information
My Service Includes...
Within my service I will;
Advise you on the choice of attorneys (people you are selecting to look after your decisions) and how and when they can act.
Advise on the appointment of an appropriate Certificate Provider. I can fulfill this role for you at no extra cost.
Advise you on the registration costs with the Office of Public Guardian. The registration fee with this Government body is £82 per document, however depending on your situation you may qualify for half price fees or qualify for free registration. Please note the registration fee is not included in my service charge.
Prepare the Lasting Powers of Attorney documents, clearly labeling them so the signing process is VERY EASY.
Send the documents with full instructions for signing - you will get access to an online video where I will walk you through each page. The do's and don'ts to ensure first time registration at The Office of Public Guardian.
Provide full instructions for you to register the documents at the Office of the Public Guardian.
If you are hard of hearing you can be assisted by someone who is 'independent' meaning, they cannot be included in the documents if they attend the meeting.
What happens without a Lasting Powers of Attorney?
Without a Lasting Powers of Attorney in place, if you need someone to step in and manage your finances or make healthcare decisions on your behalf in the future, their only option will be to apply for a Deputyship order through the court.
This can cost thousands of pounds and be a complex and lengthy process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a Solicitor to set up a Will or Lasting Power of Attorney?
No, you don't need a solicitor to set up your Will or Lasting Power of Attorney. This is an unregulated industry. I choose to be a member of The Society of Will Writers which is a independent regulatory body for the industry. This proves I have the correct knowledge, insurance and keep up-to-date with industry guidelines
Lasting Powers of Attorney documents are standard 20 page documents. So whether you use an independent Estate Planner like myself or a Solicitor, the outcome will be exactly the same.
Who needs a Lasting Power of Attorney?
A Lasting Power of Attorney is useful in a whole range of situations, for example if you had an accident, lost mental capacity, or became seriously unwell and unable to make day-to-day decisions about your health, welfare or financial situation.
Lots of these situations can come out of nowhere, without much warning. Which is why every adult should consider having a Lasting Power of Attorney, so you’re prepared for whatever life throws your way.
What happens if I don't make a Will?
If you don't make a Will, then your property, money and belongings at the date of your death will be dealt with by a set of rules, known as the intestacy rules.
If you are married and have children or grandchildren, then your partner will only inherit the first £322,000 of your estate and then the rest will be split equally between your partner and your children.
If you jointly own your property your partner will automatically inherit the property, and this will not be included in the £322,000.
If you have no children or an estate worth less than £322,000 they your partner will inherit everything.
If you have no surviving spouse or civil partner at the date of your death, then your estate will be left to your children (if any) in equal shares.If you have no spouse or children/grandchildren, it will pass to your parents, siblings, nieces and nephews.This may not be in line with your wishes and if it isn't then you need to make a Will to ensure your wishes are followed.
When should I make a Lasting Power of Attorney?
I recommend for you to get it sorted way ahead of time, because it makes a world of difference when it matters.
It can be more important the older you are as illnesses such as dementia become a higher risk.
What is the purpose of a Lasting Power of Attorney?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a document that allows you to appoint someone you trust, as your Attorney, which gives them the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you lose the mental capacity to do so in the future.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney Documents; Health & Welfare and Property & Finance.
Registered Address: Clare Sutherland Wills & Trusts, 260 Deeble Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, England, NN15 5HP